Belletristic Blathering & Trash Poetry -
Phosphorimental is just a placemat for
the dribblings and crumbs of creativity.
Keep an eye on and

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Were You Here, Say I

The swells now slowly soften
As they went wading into dusk
“I think the tides are shifting”
And we are here,
…and that’s enough.

“I thought we’d lost each other
In the throes of hearts let loose,”
headlong into destiny
Unfurling ribbons from the seas
…words curled on waves of truth.

Moonlit herons stood like angels
The sea took peace with night
Long shore drift sang lullabies
“Keep us safe,” a lover sighs
“…together in Your sight.”

Their love began on mountain tops
Like tears wrought from the sky
Carving rivers lined with hope
to the ocean off steep slopes,
We are here, say I...

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