Belletristic Blathering & Trash Poetry -
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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Monkey Love

Hm, the paradox of the monkey with his hand in a jelly bean jar, a fist clenched with so many jelly beans, but he cannot manage to get his hand out…unless he takes just one.  It’s not the pieces with which you alone build love, but about the wholeness of love assembled with one other.   Love’s labor is art, not toil…it evolves through action, reveals in small mysteries, some revealed, others hidden… You are not alone in the candy store.  Ideal love for me, is that light I use to see her always in all ways, integrating over time into understanding.  No matter how fantastic the instrument you use, if you study only a moment of a person, they’ll never animate in real life.  Which is why I do not simply select or unselect her, but allow her to reveal.   Try your penchant for opposites, select not one thing, and everything will reveal itself.  Perfect reason, over perfect choice.  Ideals, uncompromised.

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