I am the contents that has no container. A sinner when I do right and a saint when I do wrong. I am the feeling that you’re not alone and the reminder that you are.
Belletristic Blathering & Trash Poetry -
Phosphorimental is just a placemat for
the dribblings and crumbs of creativity.
Keep an eye on www.good-graffiti.com and www.trashpoetry.com
Keep an eye on www.good-graffiti.com and www.trashpoetry.com
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
There is the world we desire and the world we are in, and then there's the world we choose... only the third matters...
And sometimes being lost long enough makes you more familiar with where you're not, than where you are. That's when you know it's time to change where you're not, to where you should be....which is where you're least familiar. And that's place is somewhere else altogether.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Hairpin Turns through the Ages
I once held the whole of time in the tiniest hands of a
child and then my hands grew. But
the abundance of time did not. It
is not the amount of time before us or behind us, it is simply the openness of
a hand to hold what we have - now.
I traced lemniscates with my finger, following a mobile over
my bed. I marveled how a superball
could bounce so high; how one man with an axe could take down a 60 year old
tree. Yet all the while – eternity
was held there in the darkness like a headboard of hope. I learned about arguing by listening to
those closest to me, through the walls – I didn’t like it, so I grew up listening less and found
that was the cause of even more arguments than my parents had. Sex education didn’t exist outside of
episodes of I Dream of Jeanie – as a high level thinking pre-adolescent, I
toiled with explanations thereby minimizing a monumental sensation that has existed
since the dawn of man. I deferred
understanding any of this through an emerging adolescent logic – faith had it
in for me that one day, a girl would drop from the sky and land on the erection
that first caused so much alarm.
It would all become clear then. Everyone was tormented with the significance of a recent
past because at such an age, we’d never fathomed the rest of our lives.
Yes, now my hand is large and calloused and holds but the tiniest
remains of time. My palms are etched with age like the crystal of my
grandfather’s watch. Time is
almost up, so why do I feel a mounting kinship with youth.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Moderation is Toleration
Love makes no compromises, it takes a direct path through the most austere environments - the undaunted trace of a shooting star through a field of obstacles. Perhaps the one we truly love steps into our light without hesitation - but only providing love illuminates parts, without receiving it to make it whole. When we love those who tolerate us, we love only as much as they can take...not as much as we can give and it seems love does not prefer to be dolled out in doses of glimmer.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
I Gotta Lot Undoing to Do
When I was down, I got high
When life got in the way, I still got by
There was nothing going ‘round that I didn’t go through
But what you left undone between us, isn’t something that I want to do.
Seems we spend most our lives gettin' out of the way
Of a sun that's meant to shine on our darkest of days
Chased by our own shadows straight into the night
Lookin' back at what won’t work, when the future still might... (whatever)
Friends say I’ve mastered falling down to an art,
Building pretty little piles from what’s been torn apart.
But the pieces that you left are as much as you took,
And no one gets the whole story from reading half of the book.
So when you were up, you put me down
When I got in your way, you ran around
I reaped hope from the furrows, where nothing ever grew
but fixin' what you’re doin-is more than any man would want to do.
When I think back now what I wish I’d know then,
The same people fool me again and again.
They say hindsight’s 20/20, but to tell you the truth
While I can see through your lies, I'm still blind to the proof.
Yeh, your ghost seems to leap from one girl to the next
And while they keep gettin' better, I know what’s better ain’t best
If my senses come to find me, they’ll know where I am
I’m just one idea behind, where the thought of you ends.
And when I get down, I still get high.
When life gets in the way, well, I'll get by.
In fact, there’s nothing [that] comes to mind, that I wouldn’t do
So stop redoing what you undid, so it’s done, and I’ll be over you....
Till then I’m chasing you down, 'cause when I’m down, at least I’m close to you.
Monday, September 3, 2012
The Creative Adult is the Child Who Survived (Yep-Sun Gazing)
Think about it; the most creative moments of your adult life were the moments you allowed the child in you to play. rsb.
Sad how growing older oft becomes the smothering of the innocent innovator - we are compelled to protect what's within by never letting it out. And one day, we can't remember what we dreamt the night before.
Through the course of adulthood the surface of childhood is wounded and scarred, like tree bark around the sapling; well intended...but ill begotten in the end.
Creativity is the uncloaking of passion, that is otherwise imprisoned by the broad black lines in our coloring books, with the grown up instruction, "shush now, and color within the lines." I'm reminded of a picture from Kent State during the war protest - a college girl is placing the stem of a flower in the barrel of a national guardsman's rifle. Images like this are misconstrued as an almost ineffectual act of creativity, passion, and love.
The world can only be saved by the minds of adults and the hearts of children. Of all the animal kingdom, the only species to not evolve is the child within a human. And for this I'm grateful.
Tomorrow I will imagine the conference table as a sandbox, our coffee cups as pails, and my colleagues are children and playmates (not the adult kind of playmates, they'd be fully dressed.)
Now if you don't mind, I'm going to get my coffee and help my son build his Lego Ninjago toy. I explained to the girl at the counter, that 41 years ago I used to play with Lego's - a whole barrel for 5 bucks...the half shoe box size set of Ninjago Legos were 84 bucks. No one said, remaining a child was going to be cheap!
Jimmy Buffett sang, "I'm growing older but not up, my metabolic rate is pleasantly stuck, let the winds of time blow over my head, I'd rather die while I'm living than live while I'm dead..." (he also has a song, "Life is Just a Tire Swing.")
Sad how growing older oft becomes the smothering of the innocent innovator - we are compelled to protect what's within by never letting it out. And one day, we can't remember what we dreamt the night before.
Through the course of adulthood the surface of childhood is wounded and scarred, like tree bark around the sapling; well intended...but ill begotten in the end.
Creativity is the uncloaking of passion, that is otherwise imprisoned by the broad black lines in our coloring books, with the grown up instruction, "shush now, and color within the lines." I'm reminded of a picture from Kent State during the war protest - a college girl is placing the stem of a flower in the barrel of a national guardsman's rifle. Images like this are misconstrued as an almost ineffectual act of creativity, passion, and love.
The world can only be saved by the minds of adults and the hearts of children. Of all the animal kingdom, the only species to not evolve is the child within a human. And for this I'm grateful.
Tomorrow I will imagine the conference table as a sandbox, our coffee cups as pails, and my colleagues are children and playmates (not the adult kind of playmates, they'd be fully dressed.)
Now if you don't mind, I'm going to get my coffee and help my son build his Lego Ninjago toy. I explained to the girl at the counter, that 41 years ago I used to play with Lego's - a whole barrel for 5 bucks...the half shoe box size set of Ninjago Legos were 84 bucks. No one said, remaining a child was going to be cheap!
Jimmy Buffett sang, "I'm growing older but not up, my metabolic rate is pleasantly stuck, let the winds of time blow over my head, I'd rather die while I'm living than live while I'm dead..." (he also has a song, "Life is Just a Tire Swing.")
Benedict Groeschel, Reverend of the Franciscan Friars of Renewal, recently claimed in an interview with a Catholic news source it was often the case that priests were seduced by teenagers...I knew this guy...he was a real RILF, if ya know what I mean. Hm....I remember going through catechism and the priest's mocking disapproval, followed by a cheshire grin, when I said, "...and lead us not into TEMPTATION..." during the Lords Prayer. Priests are often teased like that. There was just something about much older, creepy, droopy men in cassocks that drove young boys wild - come on, the priest were practically asking for it! I tried seducing nuns, but the priest would say, "it's okay to try with nun, but just don't get into the HABIT...get it, HABIT?" (...whenever you're at a rave and a man with a funny colar, and a cross around his neck puts a wafer on your tongue saying, "...the body of Christ..." it's probably really ecstasy...)
ON THE POPES "Encyclical Letter HUMANAE VITAE" (Pope Paul VI, 25 July 1968). Which establishes the "long-held and unwavering" position of the Church against the use of BIRTH CONTROL:
How does one go about obtaining such apparent empirical knowledge in order to write as compelling a letter as this? I have personally tr
aveled into the realm of evil via coitus interruptus and found enlightenment - I could not have written this with more clear instruction.
...and "the use of contraceptives cause men to forget their reverence for women!?" Seriously? So I've cheapened women (er, I mean "baby vessels") by not getting them pregnant. Well, now we know why the Taliban hate christians so much... contraception is clearly the impetus for islamic fundamentalistic values toward women. Why intervene with the stoning of women (which I read about in the old testament), just cut off the Taliban supply of contraceptives - or convert them to christianity...problem solved.
I guess, we will have to put warning labels on condoms, "The Catholic Church warns that the use of this product may promote pornographic fantasies about about women in socio-cultural bondage." And here I was thinking, it would prevent pregnancy, hackneyed abortions, and abandoned children that are spawned by sinners and single "reverent" mothers...that is if the moms survive the pregnancy (or sexually transmitted virus) to be reminded of the "more respectful" rapist who didn't wear a condom... (long winded I know).
How many women break from their ascetic ways and claim, "if you respect me, you'll get me pregnant and marry me in the morning..." I more often get the clear message that her "physical and emotional equilibrium" depends on passionate acts of love and caress...not shaking her hand and kissing her at church during the benediction. Lest she obtain her own "instrument of satisfaction," batteries included.
If there ever was a case for polygamy... you can only get the same woman pregnant once every 9.5 months (thereabouts - I had to change the gestation period because Arizona governor Jan Brewer, says that pregnancy begins two weeks before conception...still scratching my sinful head over that one)
When asked "why do you have so many children?", the man answered,
"because I like sex."
"...then why so many different women?" continued the flustered friar.
"simple - because they don't."
ON MORMON FOUNDATIONS OF POLYGAMY: When your religion is working for you anymore, don't retrace your historical context, just change your moral code! Which is why I brought up Jan Brewer - here is an example of where legislation wasn't achieving it's moral objective for medical rulings on "when a life begins" (which I already knows is after the age of 50) and so they decided to change biology. (Brewer upholds that it begins two weeks before conception - huh?)
The best way to accommodate everyone in what is most certainly an ever changing future is to NOT learn anything too much - it will only be changed for us to learn again.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Sitting heavily outside
at the corner of Library and
the skin of my ass slightly stuck
to the Italian wool fabric of my pants.
- still stuck...underwear,
then what’s the purpose?
I’m reminded that the world I imagine
is far
bigger than the one I’m actually in…
People smile at me
when I’m in this world
but they are saying to themselves,
“...mine’s bigger than his, he should get in…”
There's not enough room on earth,
for everyone to get the world they imagine...
if they do,
all but one of us will be pushed off the edge.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Her Poem
It’s okay to let me go
For a moment to journey alone
To bear the torment once again
but I promise I’ll come home.
I’ve no fear of going back
Just to reminisce
A fleeting glance, a word perchance
Or just an awkward kiss.
With all I’d note, I’d understand
that home is cradled in giving hands.
That all we’d ever hope to see
Is cloaked with self discovery.
That every mistake I’d ever made
was a star placed in the sky
patterns for the journey back
flickering in your eyes.
And though it seems I’ll walk away
It’s only then I’d see
All the tears I’d saved back then,
Had I seen you walking toward me.
Dance and the Dancer
Life lies in state beneath my fingertips,
Held at bay by the stay of my hand.
Poised in the breeze
As the weight on the keys,
Starts to tap out the song of a man.
That sparks a light in this torpid gray matter
Stirring an earth bound chance for
My soul to repose
And my pen to compose
A dance, for life as the dancer.
Held at bay by the stay of my hand.
Poised in the breeze
As the weight on the keys,
Starts to tap out the song of a man.
That sparks a light in this torpid gray matter
Stirring an earth bound chance for
My soul to repose
And my pen to compose
A dance, for life as the dancer.
Our true purpose lures most strongly from the shores, when we are caught in the clutching current of the routine. so go ahead, be late for that staff meeting...
Thursday, August 2, 2012
is is as is
I'm uncertain of any connection between seasoned kelp and fugue.
The only regrets in life originate from poor spelling and picking up pennies heads down.
Mathematics of happiness:
The time spent regretting yesterday, is only balanced by a longing to change tomorrow. Funny thing about life right now, is that it can seem only half fulfilled between what just happened and what will happen next. Why are you smiling? I fail to see the humor in that.
Assuming a gaussian distribution, there is a high likelihood that the real answer is in the middle - the joy of the "now" depends on where you set the variance of the before and after. I mean to say,
...it's important to remain absolutely certain throughout your life...but one moment at a time.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Tears in the Thirsting Years

Staring up from a fathomless well.
As if happiness might lift the wings of a dove,
Clipped and weeping in the hollows of hell.
With great stealth it navigates the depths of doubt,
To overtake a torrent of tears.
A deluge of hope to quench the drought;
Precious seconds for the thirsting years.
art credited via www.emotionallyvague.com
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Together we lower the moon and raise the sun,
An ocean apart, but sweetly as one.
This love is in the rhythm of earth’s revolution.
Whether it comes to rest
or forever spin without friction.
No living thing that stirs its surface
Will alter a second in time
The sound of your heart will only be heard
not by meteors or comets, but mine.
A fatherly sigh, of divine breath lifts us,
Like dust from the planet, so gently
As two souls collide out of billions who tried
Finding peace on this braided journey
Revolutions in swirl around a steadfast sun.
As two once lost beings come sweetly as one.
An ocean apart, but sweetly as one.
This love is in the rhythm of earth’s revolution.
Whether it comes to rest
or forever spin without friction.
No living thing that stirs its surface
Will alter a second in time
The sound of your heart will only be heard
not by meteors or comets, but mine.
A fatherly sigh, of divine breath lifts us,
Like dust from the planet, so gently
As two souls collide out of billions who tried
Finding peace on this braided journey
Revolutions in swirl around a steadfast sun.
As two once lost beings come sweetly as one.
How to Make a Bad Dingo Regurgitate a Baby
Quips for the Quipish (part 2)
I would rather be incised by Occam's razor in an act of mercy, than coddled by mis-intended sincerity.
I cannot suffer a man who deftly climbs the shoulders of idiots to vehemently purport his wisdom. For a wise man well versed in the ways of a fool, finds useful similarities for both, rather than useless differences for himself.
I've picked up many a stone, etched with words of encouragement...but none so fulfilling to me as those I've scribed and left behind
Lies are the salt pressed into the open wounds of truth...
I'm just a reluctant bon vivant with 10 unruly typing fingers who apparently conspire with the warped underworld of my mind.
One need not purge an experience that has let them down, in order to heal. There can be no regeneration of spirit, when the injury is discounted – hm, emotional “corpus delicti?” Or is it “esse causa doloris remedium esse?" Where's a lawyer when you need one?
Imagine cause and its effect like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich... One is too sweet, the other leaves you dry in the mouth – together, not so bad – especially with cold milk (unless you are lactose intolerant – then I recommend cherry Koolaide)
Everyone has a magnetic north - sometimes we just need to examine the metal filings left in the path of another to realize it..
Health care, health reform; my taxes, their taxes; 90%, 10%; constitutionality; bla-bla-higher, bla-bla-lower; yes, no; da, nyeht; Those who make up all the questions, make up all the answers.
I'm always confused by traffic...and nuclear physics. but i'm drippin wit "yo"
The weight of the beer in my hand became less stressful with each sip.
I love a good storm, whiny midwestern girls, bicycling witches, and spitball sized dogs name Toto....I've sealed and barricaded the doors with the children. It's all good.
I cannot suffer a man who deftly climbs the shoulders of idiots to vehemently purport his wisdom. For a wise man well versed in the ways of a fool, finds useful similarities for both, rather than useless differences for himself.
I've picked up many a stone, etched with words of encouragement...but none so fulfilling to me as those I've scribed and left behind
Lies are the salt pressed into the open wounds of truth...
I'm just a reluctant bon vivant with 10 unruly typing fingers who apparently conspire with the warped underworld of my mind.
One need not purge an experience that has let them down, in order to heal. There can be no regeneration of spirit, when the injury is discounted – hm, emotional “corpus delicti?” Or is it “esse causa doloris remedium esse?" Where's a lawyer when you need one?
Imagine cause and its effect like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich... One is too sweet, the other leaves you dry in the mouth – together, not so bad – especially with cold milk (unless you are lactose intolerant – then I recommend cherry Koolaide)
Everyone has a magnetic north - sometimes we just need to examine the metal filings left in the path of another to realize it..
Health care, health reform; my taxes, their taxes; 90%, 10%; constitutionality; bla-bla-higher, bla-bla-lower; yes, no; da, nyeht; Those who make up all the questions, make up all the answers.
I'm always confused by traffic...and nuclear physics. but i'm drippin wit "yo"
The weight of the beer in my hand became less stressful with each sip.
I love a good storm, whiny midwestern girls, bicycling witches, and spitball sized dogs name Toto....I've sealed and barricaded the doors with the children. It's all good.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
every fleeting and persistent thought, fantasy, and raw reflex.
How close do you allow another to get to the core – what within can be shared, and what must be simply left
unheard, unseen, unfelt by another?
How is this gravity measured – in weird blackness?
Perhaps there is some element in the relationship between two that must be left still and alone...
within the depths of their individual being.
It is unfathomable and multihued – anything imaginable and it’s opposite are there
in the crackling shadows.
Somewhere, at some time, along the length of those released vines of energy, we allow some part of ourselves to intertwine and tangle with those of another.
But just as the tips of the sun dance warmly on our skin,
so the source of these rays would sooner incinerate us.
The melding of cores as a union of one requires the destruction of two.
Protecting what you are seems at times to be the antithesis of cultivating what you’ll be with another.
But it is balance… from the black center to the many shades of gray.
Yes, Love springs forth from lips before they are kissed .
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Quietly sighs the dawn
long and languid through the hours
What’s to come about lies in wait
Per chance, to say
Something sagacious,
Something great.
Dreamers wide awake;
So erudite and perspicuous.
As if their dreaming
were to dream
Away the smothering Incubus
That sponges up the will to act
by the dour soul expecting
that fortune’s grin will find a heart
as effortlessly as their wanting.
Stock-still with llusions of mobility
Tipping teaspoons of emptiness
Into steaming cups of void
Sipped by the thirsty lips
that kiss the blarney stone
and speak their yearning with sang-froid.
long and languid through the hours
What’s to come about lies in wait
Per chance, to say
Something sagacious,
Something great.
Dreamers wide awake;
So erudite and perspicuous.
As if their dreaming
were to dream
Away the smothering Incubus
That sponges up the will to act
by the dour soul expecting
that fortune’s grin will find a heart
as effortlessly as their wanting.
Stock-still with llusions of mobility
Tipping teaspoons of emptiness
Into steaming cups of void
Sipped by the thirsty lips
that kiss the blarney stone
and speak their yearning with sang-froid.
Monday, June 25, 2012
To Know Her
Napapanaginipan ko siya sa wari ay kawalan subalit kilala ko siya ng buong liwanag.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
A Juxtaposition of Self
I never questioned the prognosis my own gallantry until taught the word bravery, I knew nothing about success until I experienced failure, I never feared death until I overlooked life, and I never knew a friend, until I was called one.
Fear and Love
Beneath an ocean of fear are the plunging depths of mantle and core – the root of all we are and that which clutches the mass of our being – the gravity of our ground, the Self.
The causal forces of emotion, lie both below the roots of fear – “fear of who we really are,” and above the tree line of hubris, “fear of who we’ll become.” Fear is self-effacing love – love which mistakes having no attachments nor serving as an accessory as a weakness. Pure fear is the perfect absence of love, and it stands to reason that it carries a certainty that is inversely proportional to the possibility of realized potential; potential to be who we are already destined to be, or to attain, or to love. Fear is a misperception that all we can ever have is all we can hold today – to a point where all we hold in the moment then exceeds all we’ll ever have in moments to come.
Fear is not “of” a ghost, it “is” the ghost; and the more I fear, the more certain I am “that” I’m destined to “be” – even more so than “what or whom” I’m destined to be or to attain or to love. Fear is a threat, disguised as a promise…part the ocean, strip the surface and you’ll see the truth.
Fear never begins, it never ends – it cannot be measured it is not greater than the sum of it’s parts, it is “other” than the sum of it’s parts. Its dissected meaning is as diminutive as the edge of a scalpel…to analyze our fear is to simply lose ourselves in the waning interstitial space of nothingness. It stands for nothing unless it stands in the foreground of our own awareness…and then it is only seen as a dark silhouette postured in the brilliance of destiny. If you cast light on fear, you’ll find it is simply love in the shadows of the unknown.
We all fear something – I feared my father until the day he died and even after. It made me stop and think that I’d rather love the departed as they fade to a point of light in their future, than fear the darkness of their growing memory in times gone by.
We simply turn our heads to look toward the direction we wish to go, not from whence we came – it’s alright…the importance of those who do not follow will be realized in the promise of those we’ve yet to meet. Imagine a translucent fear, and you’ll begin to see the core of yourself – perfect a transparent fear, you’ll find pure love.
Emoticons take up arms!
The causal forces of emotion, lie both below the roots of fear – “fear of who we really are,” and above the tree line of hubris, “fear of who we’ll become.” Fear is self-effacing love – love which mistakes having no attachments nor serving as an accessory as a weakness. Pure fear is the perfect absence of love, and it stands to reason that it carries a certainty that is inversely proportional to the possibility of realized potential; potential to be who we are already destined to be, or to attain, or to love. Fear is a misperception that all we can ever have is all we can hold today – to a point where all we hold in the moment then exceeds all we’ll ever have in moments to come.
Fear is not “of” a ghost, it “is” the ghost; and the more I fear, the more certain I am “that” I’m destined to “be” – even more so than “what or whom” I’m destined to be or to attain or to love. Fear is a threat, disguised as a promise…part the ocean, strip the surface and you’ll see the truth.
Fear never begins, it never ends – it cannot be measured it is not greater than the sum of it’s parts, it is “other” than the sum of it’s parts. Its dissected meaning is as diminutive as the edge of a scalpel…to analyze our fear is to simply lose ourselves in the waning interstitial space of nothingness. It stands for nothing unless it stands in the foreground of our own awareness…and then it is only seen as a dark silhouette postured in the brilliance of destiny. If you cast light on fear, you’ll find it is simply love in the shadows of the unknown.
We all fear something – I feared my father until the day he died and even after. It made me stop and think that I’d rather love the departed as they fade to a point of light in their future, than fear the darkness of their growing memory in times gone by.
We simply turn our heads to look toward the direction we wish to go, not from whence we came – it’s alright…the importance of those who do not follow will be realized in the promise of those we’ve yet to meet. Imagine a translucent fear, and you’ll begin to see the core of yourself – perfect a transparent fear, you’ll find pure love.
Emoticons take up arms!
Friday, May 4, 2012
The Nearly American Dream
It was dinnertime and these guys were waiting on their truck-ride home. They caught me taking this photo – and we all shared in the amusing irony of the event. By the time the light had turned green, they’d loaded in and driven away, their work behind them. The dull torpor of middle income American expressionism cannot upstage these guys before 800 million Facebook viewers. These were the only strangers who really noticed me today....
The American Dream - a days-end reason to smile and the inalienable right to pop a cap off a bottle of cold beer. (or pop a cap in dat-ass)
The American Dream - a days-end reason to smile and the inalienable right to pop a cap off a bottle of cold beer. (or pop a cap in dat-ass)
Sunday, April 29, 2012
What the Dead May Pray
Make us worthy in our passing,
for what we could not achieve in our living.
For Life subsumes death –
and while the evidence may show
we had not fully lived the way we’d hoped,
we have the right to hope
that what failed to thrive
has died and departed the memory of others;
leaving us nothing but a clean slate
in the continued journey.
May all whom we’ve served and transgressed
step aside and cheer us on –
the race is never over.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Two Red Rockers
![]() |
to thine own self be true (photo by Phosphorimental) |
Encouraged by promises I made
to myself,
Chased by memories of dreams
never come true.
Here in the maundering dereliction
of presence,
coffee brown moments
in blue.
Stones unturned, life kept
at bay,
swept back by aromas
and flavors
of a distant past beckoning
awoken by the rattling
of sabers.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
The silence hurts my ears, time to make my own noise!
Hear it?!
Love is the finest form of dying
There is a thin fine line between giving up on yourself and giving up on needing another…between striving for that spring green flexibility and tormenting ourselves when we bend in the slightest way, in the slightest breeze. The hollowing pain that rips through our torso like seething heavy balls shot from distant black pig iron cannons. Like when love unbridled goes careening into boundless plains, before it can be tamed…and yet how we hang on to it…until we become - the wild ones.
Love has a place – and that place is in our hearts where it stays and loops in lemniscates of infinity - it doesn’t go out to others, rather they enter into our hearts. Until it all becomes an indistinguishable melt within us. Still, like idiot savants, we squint and study and analyze our philosophies in dialectics with beautiful wayfarers and vigilant family, giving friends and torrid lovers – and we get confused and sad and then more sad – thriving on it, thumping like heart beats. Until sadness becomes as delicate and fragile as angel hair, like fine capillaries at the distant edge of tree roots. Not even those to anchor us anymore in the earth.
I am certain now that my love is not out there; even the hunch I once had that she was is gone. For she is already in me – as the pause in my pulse. So much entwined and in syncopation is she, that I cannot even distinguish her anymore – and so I shed my understanding of love, I give up the search, drop my implements and defenses, I will squander my love to others, as I have for so long and be happy that I can express at all. Spires of joy, dripping with tears. For now I know within, there is an endless supply – of both, love and tears.
Bring on the parade of mistakes and I will curse and scream out my love until I lose my voice…when I can be madly certain no one can hear me. Where my eyes next frost over with saline, and the last streak of glitter rolls to a stop on my cheek, and then I think I shall die.
Love has a place – and that place is in our hearts where it stays and loops in lemniscates of infinity - it doesn’t go out to others, rather they enter into our hearts. Until it all becomes an indistinguishable melt within us. Still, like idiot savants, we squint and study and analyze our philosophies in dialectics with beautiful wayfarers and vigilant family, giving friends and torrid lovers – and we get confused and sad and then more sad – thriving on it, thumping like heart beats. Until sadness becomes as delicate and fragile as angel hair, like fine capillaries at the distant edge of tree roots. Not even those to anchor us anymore in the earth.
I am certain now that my love is not out there; even the hunch I once had that she was is gone. For she is already in me – as the pause in my pulse. So much entwined and in syncopation is she, that I cannot even distinguish her anymore – and so I shed my understanding of love, I give up the search, drop my implements and defenses, I will squander my love to others, as I have for so long and be happy that I can express at all. Spires of joy, dripping with tears. For now I know within, there is an endless supply – of both, love and tears.
Bring on the parade of mistakes and I will curse and scream out my love until I lose my voice…when I can be madly certain no one can hear me. Where my eyes next frost over with saline, and the last streak of glitter rolls to a stop on my cheek, and then I think I shall die.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Where Love Lives
Love is such a nostalgic condition, a candle in a familiar window I suppose… filled with this, passion and angst to be home in safe and familiar currents. Love, a condition where we find peace in the blurring of what it really is about - “home” that casts hues into our hearts, reflects light in our eyes, and catches rain from low mountain clouds stirred by the winds. Your city which you ponder, tolls like the sinuous course of life – your allegory is apparent; the air pressed in our lungs by a soaring heart when our city falls away beneath the belly of a jet, and that acquiescing exhale as our home grounds pull us sweetly down in the benevolent current of gravity. We run hither and yon, finding love everywhere, stuffing it in to our hearts and proudly poising as if we have finished a secret stew of sensationally felt ingredients. Yet I find it quaint that our hearts are eminently nourished through the very soils that sustain our ancestry and from which we sprung…home, the plains of the heart within, where it is said, love grows wild like grains from seeds planted very long ago. And it’s even more than where and what we love, but THAT we love that gives home, itself, meaning…perhaps even home has a home. This week I have been spending time “at home” (painful, tiring, itchy – as my brother and I remodel his house and care for our father…). Home leaves you quenched within - like thirst for water; and I believe as we are within, is how we are loved; especially by all those who know the direction - home.
Friday, March 16, 2012
We are born, we live, we die.... It was all out of control from very beginning and will be out of control when it ends. The paradox is that the only control we have is the choice to begin and the choice to end everything while living in between.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
So, I'm walking out of the house this morning, carrying only a pair of underwear I need for after the gym later....and my neighbor walks up and introduces herself........
There are only two things you cannot be any more of than you already are... and that's dead or naked (or both, but that's just creepy).
Well, I ain't dead yet... so I say, get naked!
Coming into being is about as obvious as sea floor spreading...yet look how wide the Atlantic ocean is! Amazing how an epiphany sneaks up on you and passes you right by.
My dear and clear friends, I find it ironic that the easiest can be so difficult. I heard a sojourner at the rail sigh and say into his glass of ale, "...this proclivity for circumlocution and periphrasis has been a wonderful journey, but it's last call, and I really should be getting to the point now..."
"In the past 8 years, I could haven returned to school and been a doctor, a lawyer, both. I could have learned to fly jets or signed on to a vessel and sailed the world, and then have bought a boat. I could have run for office or be writing my next novel in the alps...sipping authentic swiss miss cocoa. I could have found the missing nukes or become a priest! Right now I could have been....
And YET, in the past 8 YEARS, one would think that NOT taking time to do ANY of these things, I could have come up with one good idea of what I plan to do for the NEXT 8 years... or at least given someone else an idea...
IN THE PAST 8 MINUTES - I could have...called my mother,
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Nature Makes Us Ultimately Responsible
That perhaps our presence in the world is quite starkly a plaything belonging to our fundamental provenance. That happiness can be known through the joy of our being received, if only by a silent and benevolent godhead planet hurdling our lives into orbits upon orbits. Oh and love, happiness, peace…these are not bestowed upon us through right or ritual – these feelings are brilliant remains of a paradoxical failure to discover any reason why we should feel otherwise; even when we know reasons abound.
Happiness in not taking too much heed in distinguishing a direction we are heading from whence we came – thus existing in a moment with an insignificant capacity to hold fear. Consider that fear of outcomes is an enlightening reminder, that we have the freedom to choose between disastrous and reparative courses of action; that we can make mistakes, and hence for us to make these mistakes, then we must certainly control our destiny in so far as making perfectly wrong choices or imperfectly right ones. I cannot claim immunity to the laws of nature no sooner than nature not finding fancy in nipping at the fleeing heels, and flowing hair of humans.
Still, when I can no longer stand myself, nothing else will.
Happiness in not taking too much heed in distinguishing a direction we are heading from whence we came – thus existing in a moment with an insignificant capacity to hold fear. Consider that fear of outcomes is an enlightening reminder, that we have the freedom to choose between disastrous and reparative courses of action; that we can make mistakes, and hence for us to make these mistakes, then we must certainly control our destiny in so far as making perfectly wrong choices or imperfectly right ones. I cannot claim immunity to the laws of nature no sooner than nature not finding fancy in nipping at the fleeing heels, and flowing hair of humans.
Still, when I can no longer stand myself, nothing else will.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Saturday, March 3, 2012
What fails to express, is best understood in the next pure pause between a perfect feeling
and wanting word
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
The Sentinel
To be a sentinel in
the darkest
silence, of your presence.
Soft release, a mist of hope
Inward drawn as essence.
So the breaths of lovers curl
In moonlight, cast aglow
Melodic dreams to blend and purl
A sweet diminuendo.
Soft release, a mist of hope
Inward drawn as essence.
So the breaths of lovers curl
In moonlight, cast aglow
Melodic dreams to blend and purl
A sweet diminuendo.
Wrapped in night, as you sleep
Soul stirs and comes untied
To lead your dreams to wander
Far, my heart close by your side.
Friday, February 24, 2012
We can either resigns ourselves to continue to destruct, or concede defeat and rebuild.
…For some the meaning of life is murmured over dinner plates in silent torpor… it’s purpose, startled into realization between clinking wine glasses. For others, it is to see deeply into our present and to skirt the pulsing stars, to find beauty in momentum and embrace our presence in the amber-lit windows that frame the lives of others. Wherever we are heading, is kindly guided by the certainty of where we are now.
Photo: http://www.lostateminor.com/2011/03/08/surreal-storytelling-by-robert-and-shana-parkeharrison/
Photo: http://www.lostateminor.com/2011/03/08/surreal-storytelling-by-robert-and-shana-parkeharrison/
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
A Gold Dipped Metaphor

Were it not for a volcano exploding in Asia and shifting the earth for moment,
I’d not have caught my balance on a cliffs edge in North America.
So certain was I that plate tectonics was my guardian angel;
and why not, gravity has served me mercifully in the past.
I snuck behind her back to do battle with the daemons that she didn’t see hiding behind her angels.
Deep dumb blinking of trauma all around me.
Where the wounded go for comfort, to ruminate and heal, their “state of existence”
I’m not particularly dogmatic...I hybridize everything.
...and then I choose to spend a month writing on a beach.
For some reason, quality is an undertone felt more than seen. And we behave in undertones.
Jovial languages westernized for straight men. His was a plan to vanquish the human trade industry...I was a ploy. I don’t speak Chinese. But anyway, I have spent just a little time in a lot of places I didn’t want to go
and I kept quiet; there is no sense rushing a world war, right?
My grandparents were incredibly kind and generous. They have passed – dead – dead for their good deeds. They were cooks with equity in the casserole...
Standing before a great mountain skirted lake, steaming for photographers, is just a reminder of a perfect place for the fulcrum of Nirvana; one that balances the condition of living responsibly and loving uncontrollably.
I really don’t know anything at all actually!
Yes, three words in our feeble attempt to bottle the jeanie only seem to whisk it along as the world grows more tender beneath our feet.
Like philosophy seeks to destroy itself, I want a gold dipped metaphor for why NOT to write.
So certain was I that plate tectonics was my guardian angel;
and why not, gravity has served me mercifully in the past.
I snuck behind her back to do battle with the daemons that she didn’t see hiding behind her angels.
Deep dumb blinking of trauma all around me.
Where the wounded go for comfort, to ruminate and heal, their “state of existence”
I’m not particularly dogmatic...I hybridize everything.
...and then I choose to spend a month writing on a beach.
For some reason, quality is an undertone felt more than seen. And we behave in undertones.
Jovial languages westernized for straight men. His was a plan to vanquish the human trade industry...I was a ploy. I don’t speak Chinese. But anyway, I have spent just a little time in a lot of places I didn’t want to go
and I kept quiet; there is no sense rushing a world war, right?
My grandparents were incredibly kind and generous. They have passed – dead – dead for their good deeds. They were cooks with equity in the casserole...
Standing before a great mountain skirted lake, steaming for photographers, is just a reminder of a perfect place for the fulcrum of Nirvana; one that balances the condition of living responsibly and loving uncontrollably.
I really don’t know anything at all actually!
Yes, three words in our feeble attempt to bottle the jeanie only seem to whisk it along as the world grows more tender beneath our feet.
Like philosophy seeks to destroy itself, I want a gold dipped metaphor for why NOT to write.
Ode to the Conquerer of Great Distance and Time
Prelude: As We Arrive
Your love found me, as if two suns rose from the east and west at the same time. Where their rays met would be indistinguishable, and why even understand it. What we feel in touch is not skin and when we kiss it is not your lips meeting mine; it is not our bodies intertwined, nor mere pulsing words landing softly in our ears...it is not the nostalgic aroma, or the groaning floorboards beneath our ambling feet. None of this, for what meets at the nexus is the soulful intent of a love that traces back to the timeless depths of your being – a touch that connects an infinite past to an infinite future. This which we hold dearly, is the untamed wind between us, inhaled in a moment as a prelude to a kiss –exchanged in the warm home of the others heart, and released anew in an effervescing exhale as our lips part. Embraced, our spirits slowly wrestle along the frontiers of unexplored human wilderness; twisting in confluence like eddies playing on the surface of a still night lake; braiding banyan vines cling gently to quell our shivering…our words are sighs of relinquishment to the desperation of loves inexpressible exclamations resonating within caverns of expectation, filled with pristine imaginings.
Interlude: As We Go
Love is where we go, when we go, how we go and why we go…it’s anguish and rejoice in a timeless dance, spiraling out lingering memories that rain nourishment on as many weeds as colored flowers. And our lives in this way, are forever sweetly tending to the astounding meaning of subtle acts. There in a garden we’ll pull the weeds to feed the soil which gives them life and till the dirt that receives the rain to quench the roots. And as dusk settles in, we’ll sift the flower bed; and we’ll build a breathtaking path of byzantine patterns from the extracted cobbles of an inconvenient past set in mortar mixed from a forever blooming love.
Postlude: As We Part
That when you feel the cold steel of disquiet awkwardness and your breath has temporarily seized – I will draw in a breath to fill us both up. …That when words fail you, I will solemnly circle in the swirling eddies of your soul and pluck soft petals of thought as parchment and scribe your poetry with many hues of understanding and kindness. If your heart is weary and teetering in confusion, I promise to kiss the arcing sun and moon so that as they trade their places through cycles of the days and nights, you are left with both waking and lullaby dreams. If the circling voices are deafeningly loud or silence becomes your enemy, I will take my post close by your side as your compassionate and soothing warrior, your agile shark…to stir gentle notes on melodies until a beautiful undulating dolphin shoots the waves over sky and moon.
The shelter within, is affixed with all you need to search and restore life, tended by the passion of your own true love, with green thatches to catch and divert the rain and smooth cobbles to line the path for when you are ready to take to the road again.
Destiny worries not for you, you should not worry destiny. It does not stand in the distance and wait for you, you should spring headlong onto its runner of endless moments and create the trail of your art. Go, and leave behind you the signs of all your happiness and I will find you. And if you find yourself having little to leave behind for me to follow, then look up my precious love, because I’m standing right here before you. Take my hand, I have enough signs to cast for both of us.
Refrain and Fade Out:
For all the love in the world you need
can be fit on the tip of a pin…
as vast as the bounty of earth, wind and sea,
it will sooner get under your skin.
Your love found me, as if two suns rose from the east and west at the same time. Where their rays met would be indistinguishable, and why even understand it. What we feel in touch is not skin and when we kiss it is not your lips meeting mine; it is not our bodies intertwined, nor mere pulsing words landing softly in our ears...it is not the nostalgic aroma, or the groaning floorboards beneath our ambling feet. None of this, for what meets at the nexus is the soulful intent of a love that traces back to the timeless depths of your being – a touch that connects an infinite past to an infinite future. This which we hold dearly, is the untamed wind between us, inhaled in a moment as a prelude to a kiss –exchanged in the warm home of the others heart, and released anew in an effervescing exhale as our lips part. Embraced, our spirits slowly wrestle along the frontiers of unexplored human wilderness; twisting in confluence like eddies playing on the surface of a still night lake; braiding banyan vines cling gently to quell our shivering…our words are sighs of relinquishment to the desperation of loves inexpressible exclamations resonating within caverns of expectation, filled with pristine imaginings.
Interlude: As We Go
Love is where we go, when we go, how we go and why we go…it’s anguish and rejoice in a timeless dance, spiraling out lingering memories that rain nourishment on as many weeds as colored flowers. And our lives in this way, are forever sweetly tending to the astounding meaning of subtle acts. There in a garden we’ll pull the weeds to feed the soil which gives them life and till the dirt that receives the rain to quench the roots. And as dusk settles in, we’ll sift the flower bed; and we’ll build a breathtaking path of byzantine patterns from the extracted cobbles of an inconvenient past set in mortar mixed from a forever blooming love.
Postlude: As We Part
That when you feel the cold steel of disquiet awkwardness and your breath has temporarily seized – I will draw in a breath to fill us both up. …That when words fail you, I will solemnly circle in the swirling eddies of your soul and pluck soft petals of thought as parchment and scribe your poetry with many hues of understanding and kindness. If your heart is weary and teetering in confusion, I promise to kiss the arcing sun and moon so that as they trade their places through cycles of the days and nights, you are left with both waking and lullaby dreams. If the circling voices are deafeningly loud or silence becomes your enemy, I will take my post close by your side as your compassionate and soothing warrior, your agile shark…to stir gentle notes on melodies until a beautiful undulating dolphin shoots the waves over sky and moon.
The shelter within, is affixed with all you need to search and restore life, tended by the passion of your own true love, with green thatches to catch and divert the rain and smooth cobbles to line the path for when you are ready to take to the road again.
Destiny worries not for you, you should not worry destiny. It does not stand in the distance and wait for you, you should spring headlong onto its runner of endless moments and create the trail of your art. Go, and leave behind you the signs of all your happiness and I will find you. And if you find yourself having little to leave behind for me to follow, then look up my precious love, because I’m standing right here before you. Take my hand, I have enough signs to cast for both of us.
Refrain and Fade Out:
For all the love in the world you need
can be fit on the tip of a pin…
as vast as the bounty of earth, wind and sea,
it will sooner get under your skin.
All the Love in the World
All the love in the world we need
can be fit on the tip of a pin
more than the bounty of earth, sky, and sea
can be fit on the tip of a pin
more than the bounty of earth, sky, and sea
it would sooner get under our skin.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
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Haecceity |
it is what is of what --- it is that of what is
We always break it down to surrendering to our destiny, be that our compulsions to roll with its uncertain and vicarious plan for ALL of us – OR, in haecceity, to enthusiastically grab up our chattels and trek on in vigilance toward a quite specific future moment held firmly in our INDIVIDUAL perceptions. It would seem that we cannot surrender to destiny, but to only our choices. And for others, perhaps it’s just a bittersweet surrender to numb ourselves to the zeal of an evangelist, who’s destiny is to align toward themselves everything their path, like iron filings to a passing magnet. But then again, aren’t our choices made from the same "stuff" of destiny.
There are infinite directions taken by infinite souls, each an individual ray of light emanating from the very center of a large translucent glass sphere; each inevitably intersects the glass at an infinite number of unique locations, in boundless patterns. The path within the sphere is variegated, streaked with diversity – a bittersweet chaos – the collective quiddity of life. The surface is a layer of self-other revelation, one encased future after another; the universe an atom. We leap like electrons to the next outer shell of realization...seeking stability, answers, or just engagement. And it is among those that travel farthest from the nucleus, those with the most energy, that best characterize their reactions with the world around them. It is ironic, yet fitting, that destiny seems to loosen it’s grip on us the further we journey from it's center; slipping "...the surly bonds of earth…" (no, not Ronald Reagan, but John Gillespie Magee's poem, "High Flight." Note that pilot officer Magee was killed in a midair collision 3 months after writing this, he was only 19 when he died. His poems were inspired by his only true and unrequited love for Elinor Lyon with whom he remained friends…he wrote of her, but chose another deeper relationship… but that is another subject altogether).
The victory in surrendering (to love, to pathos, to greatness, or whatever garb your destiny wears) is that of choosing another human, both for theirs and out of your unique essence, to exclusively share in its (loves) execution before the journey ends. But does it? It is said that love never wanes or ceases to spark from the core, it just persistently seeks to reach the surface – to be seen, to be shared, to be celebrated.
Love travels in the deep hulls of a human being; and yet we are all quite unseaworthy vessels for such a precious cargo. Perhaps our pilot would agree for those who fly with love.
THE QUIDDITY, (George Herbert)
God, a verse is not a crown,
No point of honour, or gay suit,
No hawk, or banquet, or renown,
Nor a good sword, nor yet a lute.
It cannot vault, or dance, or play,
It never was in France or Spain,
Nor can it entertain the day,
With a great stable or domain.
It is no office, art, or news,
Nor the Exchange, or busy Hall,
But it is that which, while I use,
I am with Thee: and Most take all.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
A Night in the Window
“Say that again,” he said.
Interrupting her sip of beer, she replied, “mm - say what?”
Say whatever it was you said, because it made a perfect arc between our
She just smiled, looking over the top to her bottle,
“…and THIS is your prelude to a kiss? And what if love fell like rain from
the clouds?”
He revealed a quick soft smile, for her question was as good
as a kiss, and lifting his glass to his lips, he paused,
“…well, that would make you a six
year old girl in a new dress and shoes walking down a street filled with mud
She understood.
“Yep, I’d jump in every one!”
The next morning he woke before her, brushed away a trestle
of hair and kissed her softly on the cheek. He rose and made his way to the computer and wrote this as a study of certainty vs. uncertainty in ascertaining the Meaning and Purpose of Life:
…I mused last night…on the meaning of life and what leaves me with the most certainty… that being both birth and death; as well as that which gives me the least certainty, the life that falls in between. And we unfurl parchments of love, like recipes conjured through charts and maps by wayfaring spirits in their navigation of uncertainty; with it’s pendulous swells and troughs, writhing storms to the curved horizon of placidity. In our ecstasy or agony, whichever compels us to reach to the heavens for answers, from the black firmament, rains down the white light of stars. Besotted with beauty, we invent our own answers – swinging angrily at our own words, despairing, disillusioned or disinterested. It is not what we hear, but that we listen – “purpose” is the captain of our ship. The journey is long, and the captain seeks only the safe passage of moments in the timeless sea of uncertainty. The meaning of our lives is unveiled through the examination of purpose in others...the mirror of meaning.
From my dinner table by the window I watched the ambling and noisy passerby’s – and I became deluded by my own idea that happiness is an infrequent preoccupation of life, a proverbial “comma” to a long-winded sentence; a quick paradise of dust kicked up by God stepping through the desert. I thought how a moment of happiness seems to pass so quickly and yet, how our disappointments seem to echo through deep valleys of consciousness. As life progresses there is this proclivity to toil with the recollection of our sadness, leaving us amidst a talus of strife. I asked myself, could it be that the altar of happiness is built on the ruins of sorrow? That the happiness we deserve is measured by the high mark of our grief – and oh how we labor the years to build those layers…
There in the restaurant, something odd began to happen. A break in the mottled night parade of clouds reveals a chorus of stars fading into view until such clarity. Each winks in the implicit silence of heaven and the voices around me begin to rescind. All presence in the room dissipates into the shadows and my eyes fill with starlight as I clench the captains wheel. I could tell that life was about to deliver me into another moment of certainty in an ocean of doubt and I could feel my ship list in the wake while waves leap through the stanchions. Where is my beacon in this night – and how could I be lost in the promise of certainty at a moment like this. Holding fast, the winds whip the sheets and whistle through the halyards; all the while the stars wink on. I was at sea. The darkness hurling everything mystery could offer, I deflected peril with rationale, fought one fear with another greater fear. I leaned forward on the wheel, turning the bow into the wind - keeping my knees slightly bent for balance. The ocean heaves in slow motion like the rising and falling chest of Neptune deeply dreaming. The clanking of swivels and bolt-snaps against the mast tap out a persistent "mayday, mayday" – its slapdash beat is a sweet companion but I’m certain no one hears it but me. And I begin to wish for company even more so than for the seas to calm.
I’m shaking while the ships clamoring rises in chaos – there is no chance she’ll capsize I hear an imaginary voice say. I holler back, “I know! I know!” With my eyes clenched shut to the guiding stars, I pray fiercely as my own self-induced darkness starts to take it’s toll on my spirit. And amidst the rush I begin to make out the faint pulse of the dining room and their murmurs growling through the gusts. I can no longer bear it and my eyes and hands spring open, the wheel slips from my grip and spins furiously, the ship comes about quickly, and the room lurches. I shudder back to reality at the sound of a window rattling – a group of kids run off laughing, they were pounding on it to stir my attention. I was uncertain where I’d been and for how long.
Wincing my eyes to bring the street lamps into focus, I could almost hear their hum of electricity. From across the street, I could feel the amber glow coming from the inside the window at Café Montserrat. I’d returned. I‘d returned. I was here in the “now” with this elusive sense of enlightenment only hinted at by subtle signs of tiny flames lit and rising within my heart. And at that moment, “certainty” happened. Looking out, I saw her, in the window of the café, looking back at me. Transfixed in the moment, her eyes had been locked on mine, twin-cased stars glimmering through deep mahogany brown. In that moment, destiny unraveled in 15 meters and a split second. Gazing through the transparency of the pedestrians passing between our windows, we recognized each other through our journey and I looked up at the stars and then back to see her doing the same – and her eyes returned to mine, filled with tears, that fell as our smiles quivered like crying and laughing all at once.
…For some the meaning of life is spoken in silence over dinner plates… it’s purpose, clinked into realization between toasting wine glasses. For others, it is to see deeply into our present and to sail the pulsing stars, to find beauty in momentum and embrace our presence in the window to the lives of others. Wherever we are heading, is kindly guided by the certainty of where we are now.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
...I cannot be removed from Being...
having endured the heat and pressure and time
to become so crystalline and cardinal.
Everything in conflux lights a distance -
yours and mine...
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Monkey Love
Hm, the paradox of the monkey with his hand in a jelly bean
jar, a fist clenched with so many jelly beans, but he cannot manage to get his
hand out…unless he takes just one.
It’s not the pieces with which you alone build love, but about the
wholeness of love assembled with one other. Love’s labor is art, not toil…it evolves through
action, reveals in small mysteries, some revealed, others hidden… You are not
alone in the candy store. Ideal
love for me, is that light I use to see her always in all ways, integrating over
time into understanding. No matter
how fantastic the instrument you use, if you study only a moment of a person,
they’ll never animate in real life.
Which is why I do not simply select or unselect her, but allow her to
reveal. Try your penchant
for opposites, select not one thing, and everything will reveal itself. Perfect reason, over perfect
choice. Ideals, uncompromised.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
the world is getting smaller in a big way
This has been on my mind lately – because they die. The passing of family and friends and loved ones...it's been on my mind. I read a post on Facebook by a dear friend. Not a monumental post – not one to garner the attention of the masses. No, it was a post that described the pointless death of a giraffe, a fucking giraffe, caused by someone's careless actions - not much different than the careless actions that cause the death of humans. The death of an animal does not earn much honor among humans; we found the death of this unfortunate giraffe, far less significant; after all, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time (there’s irony for you – he was in a zoo). in fact we made jokes about it...making the dead huge animal far less significant, than the idiotic actions of the zookeeper that allowed the animal to eat oleander leaves. If the zookeeper died the next day, even once enemies might be high fiving it, rejoicing in with the vindication. No, there is something paradigmatic deeply at work here - something about human awareness of human existence - awareness of nexus between "loss" and "who" it is that is lost and the perpetuity of their memory. As a self aware and intelligent man, I already no that this essay has just jumped the tracks of my readers comfort or even sound logical reasoning...
Humans continue to evolve and adapt physiologically over the course of evolutionary history, if you subscribe to that, but I am certain we are also evolving as emoting, bleating, impassioned, conscious, aware minds. And while over thousand generations it is impossible to see the retraction of the human tail to the useless coccyx, it seems I am witnessing the complete transformation of human psyche and metaphysics in my brief lifetime...there is an acceleration here and it disturbs me and enthralls me at the same time. Our metaphysical senses are expanding so much that, we are diluting the intensity...or at best "losing the bead" of focus...like attention deficit syndrome....we now have emotional deficit syndrome.
Perhaps this isn't cataclysmic evolution - perhaps it's been equally subtle as the evolution from ape to upright homo erectus. Perhaps social media via pervasive internet connectivity - the world wide web - may simply bring to the surface something that has always been there....passion. But I'm convinced that technology is as much a part of natural evolution as the mutation to an opposable thumb. In this analogy, it would stand to reason that there is an acceleration. I don't recall when it changed.... but it has. The fact that we are so "impassioned" to throw a bomb or sanction against anyone who bombs or sanctions another is so "broadcasted." We've lost touch with the importance of secluded microcosms - social media and broadcast news is so ubiquitous that I am now tempering my perceptions, values, emotions, and passions against a status quo that represents the "averaging" of every culture known to man. I'm aware of only one macrocosm now - and I beat my chest proudly at my new found "world citizenship." We are all indeed ONE human race...but I guess I didn't know the significance of that that until now. Now the death of a friends grandfather, mother, wife can be eclipsed by my worldly vision of a middle eastern man running out of his bombed out home with his mortally wounded child in his arms...or a dead giraffe. I miss my microcosm of human condition - I miss the "broadcasted" things that remind me of my grandfather or my childhood and the people in it. They are still alive - and if one were running out of his devastated home with an injured daughter in his arms - it would still remind me of the middle eastern man...and how the world macrocosm is so filled with horror and sorrow. I even share in the thrill of the kill of a morally deficient terrorist running across his bedroom more than I do in the image of my son running down the third base line for a heralding slide.
I still remember leaving my bike unlocked in my own little neighborhood...for days. I remember the death of friends being earth shattering events that changed the very fabric of that neighborhood...not a wrinkle in the fabric...but a new sheen. Now - I am aware of the strangeness of people with whom I know more of emotionally than I know otherwise...we bare our souls on Facebook so that anyone could see and share, but we cannot trust a stranger to watch our book bag while we run to the restroom.
Where are you with your blessed awareness...have you challenged it. Have you held it with reverence and delicacy - as if it had a hair trigger. I am a weighted down in the summer heat this evening - dining and drinking alfresco. Filtering out these unfamiliar but intensely "sensed" surroundings to allow the death of a friends wife, a friends mother, a friends grandfather to orbit around me...I want to go home, I want my children to understand "home" and I want to block their ears and eyes to all this nonsense...to turn their intense and electronically enabled awareness inward. God lives in my home town - he lives in this country...he may have a cousin in Egypt and to people in Egypt, God has a cousin here - it doesn't much matter to me. The human condition is to be aware, but awareness is compassion...
Humans continue to evolve and adapt physiologically over the course of evolutionary history, if you subscribe to that, but I am certain we are also evolving as emoting, bleating, impassioned, conscious, aware minds. And while over thousand generations it is impossible to see the retraction of the human tail to the useless coccyx, it seems I am witnessing the complete transformation of human psyche and metaphysics in my brief lifetime...there is an acceleration here and it disturbs me and enthralls me at the same time. Our metaphysical senses are expanding so much that, we are diluting the intensity...or at best "losing the bead" of focus...like attention deficit syndrome....we now have emotional deficit syndrome.
Perhaps this isn't cataclysmic evolution - perhaps it's been equally subtle as the evolution from ape to upright homo erectus. Perhaps social media via pervasive internet connectivity - the world wide web - may simply bring to the surface something that has always been there....passion. But I'm convinced that technology is as much a part of natural evolution as the mutation to an opposable thumb. In this analogy, it would stand to reason that there is an acceleration. I don't recall when it changed.... but it has. The fact that we are so "impassioned" to throw a bomb or sanction against anyone who bombs or sanctions another is so "broadcasted." We've lost touch with the importance of secluded microcosms - social media and broadcast news is so ubiquitous that I am now tempering my perceptions, values, emotions, and passions against a status quo that represents the "averaging" of every culture known to man. I'm aware of only one macrocosm now - and I beat my chest proudly at my new found "world citizenship." We are all indeed ONE human race...but I guess I didn't know the significance of that that until now. Now the death of a friends grandfather, mother, wife can be eclipsed by my worldly vision of a middle eastern man running out of his bombed out home with his mortally wounded child in his arms...or a dead giraffe. I miss my microcosm of human condition - I miss the "broadcasted" things that remind me of my grandfather or my childhood and the people in it. They are still alive - and if one were running out of his devastated home with an injured daughter in his arms - it would still remind me of the middle eastern man...and how the world macrocosm is so filled with horror and sorrow. I even share in the thrill of the kill of a morally deficient terrorist running across his bedroom more than I do in the image of my son running down the third base line for a heralding slide.
I still remember leaving my bike unlocked in my own little neighborhood...for days. I remember the death of friends being earth shattering events that changed the very fabric of that neighborhood...not a wrinkle in the fabric...but a new sheen. Now - I am aware of the strangeness of people with whom I know more of emotionally than I know otherwise...we bare our souls on Facebook so that anyone could see and share, but we cannot trust a stranger to watch our book bag while we run to the restroom.
Where are you with your blessed awareness...have you challenged it. Have you held it with reverence and delicacy - as if it had a hair trigger. I am a weighted down in the summer heat this evening - dining and drinking alfresco. Filtering out these unfamiliar but intensely "sensed" surroundings to allow the death of a friends wife, a friends mother, a friends grandfather to orbit around me...I want to go home, I want my children to understand "home" and I want to block their ears and eyes to all this nonsense...to turn their intense and electronically enabled awareness inward. God lives in my home town - he lives in this country...he may have a cousin in Egypt and to people in Egypt, God has a cousin here - it doesn't much matter to me. The human condition is to be aware, but awareness is compassion...
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