Belletristic Blathering & Trash Poetry -
Phosphorimental is just a placemat for
the dribblings and crumbs of creativity.
Keep an eye on and

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Resonance and Reticence of Words

Subsonic and thick
Poetic obstinate words
Pedaling their legs in the air
Like wild restive horses,
Thrash and writhe
in dry rotted halters,
Dismounted riders, edgy
Eyes flash from shadowy corners of stalls,
Hold fast to your leads.
And I’ll stay fast on the keys…
as I sit here with heat in my lap
A tongue that swells and arches,
bathed in Montepulciano.
Words and wine and spittle
Dry sweetly on my lips…
It will not be a poem tonight,
But a kiss
That speaks my rhymes and meter.
With no other pair to press,
Love rears up on its haunches
And I lick my lips anxiously.
It is the soft taste of peace and calm…
Lingering in the pause,
Words push open the gates
And walk out onto the world wide web.

So begins the blog

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